
August 2016 Recap – SEM Best Practices with Joe Ebbeler

August’s cbusdaw found us back at Rev1 Ventures hosted by Clarivoy to learn about search engine marketing from Abbott’s Joe Ebbeler.

First things first, thanks to everyone for turning out — one of our best crowds in a while! And, while we all enjoy free food and beverages, it’s clear that the real draw was the topic. Search engine marketing, SEM, (which does include SEO y’know!) is responsible for most sites’ traffic, so hearing the approach to it from someone who deals with SEM every day for well-known brands like Ensure and Pedialyte made for a session with a return on investment too high to pass up.

In addition to the Chinese food, we were promised digital marketing sandwiches. That promise was fulfilled, in your choice of regular or open-faced:

Please join us again next month, when Drew Goettemoeller* returns to Columbus for a session on business intelligence reporting beyond Excel.

*Helpful spelling mnemonic from Drew – There’s an ‘e’ every third letter.