Event Details
Registrations to date: 81
Statistics for the Digital Marketer
Dr. Michael Levin, Otterbein University
“Statistical significance” is something we all yearn for… but do we understand what it really means? What’s a confidence level? How is that different from a confidence interval? Correlation is not causation, sure, but correlation is still our friend, right? How can we use it responsibly? And don’t even get us started on “regression” (or, please, please get us started with regression!). So many questions! Who can help us answer them?!
We have cajoled one of our favorite WAW speakers — Dr. Michael Levin — into raising our collective game on these topics. We’re not expecting him to turn us into full-fledged statisticians in 45 minutes, but we’re confident (90% confidence level) that he will be able to shake loose a statistically significant scale or two from our eyes.

All of our Columbus WAWs are free of charge thanks to the generosity of our sponsors: